Better gut and bowel health for your child - with nutritionWant better gut health and nutrition for your child? It's a common concern, but no one seems to have one good answer. It can be overwhelming.

Join us for an easy-to-digest course with a Registered Dietitian who will give you simple steps you can take to improve your child’s digestive health.
Questions we'll answer:

How does food affect our stool?
Fiber: what it is, and how does it work?
How can I help one child while not burdening siblings?
And more!

Meet the Experts!

Dr Caitlin has specialized in pediatrics since 2013, and in 2014 began specializing in pelvic health; she treated children and women in both the inpatient and outpatient settings at Texas Children’s Hospital from 2014 until 2019, when she began her journey in building Unconstipated Kids. Dr Caitlin has leveraged her specialty of pediatric pelvic health through an unyielding passion for this work, continual education, clinical application, and a healthy dose of self-care. Dr Caitlin is passionate about her vocation as a wife and mom, and also has a laughable number of hobbies, including dancing, baking, crocheting, traveling, and coffee-drinking.

As a Registered Dietitian, Karleigh has over 5 years of experience working in nutrition communication and corporate wellness. Through my work at a major grocery retail chain, I learned valuable tips and tricks to help people navigate the grocery store easily, helping them to make better food choices. I next worked in corporate wellness for a major oil and gas company and helped create a culture of wellness for employees through hosting educational nutrition talks, interactive cooking classes, and more.

Your financial investment

Improve your child's gut and bowel health with better nutrition - Strategies from a Registered Dietician!

2 hour presentation; recorded from a live workshop. Learn why fiber and nutritional diversity matter, as well as easy-to-implement action steps to help your family improve their nutrition. All with the perspective of Dr Caitlin, to help emphasize important points related to gut health, constipation, and more!

Nutrition for Your Family Course, $35

  • 2 hour presentation
  • Stock Your Kitchen Guide
  • Unlimited Access

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